Jason A. Wilkins
Jason A. Wilkins, P.C. - Traffic Attorney
As an attorney, I have a strong desire to see that legal representation is affordable, honest, and effective. This drive to help others motivates my business philosophy to help wherever possible and however possible. To this end, I strive to help my clients manage the ins and outs of traffic issues with honesty and forthrightness.
We are one of a handful of law firms that EXCLUSIVELY practices traffic law. As such, we bring that experience and focus to your case. We offer free phone consultations as well and never require an in person meeting (after all, many who call lack a license in the first place). Let us know if you are interested and we can get the process started!
- Traffic Tickets
- Suspended License
- Free Consultation
- Credit Cards Accepted
- Illinois
- Northern District of Illinois
- English: Spoken, Written
- Principal Attorney
- Jason A. Wilkins, P.C. - Traffic Attorney
- - Current
- Assistant Public Defender Intern
- Kane County Public Defender's Office
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- Assistant State's Attorney Intern
- Kane County State's Attorney's Office
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- Northern Illinois University
- J.D. (2013) | Law
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- Honors: 2013 Black Gavel Award, Dean's List, First Recipient of Law and Women's Studies Certificate
- Top Contributor
- www.AVVO.com
- Recognition for outstanding contributions towards providing legal assistance to patrons of the website Avvo.com regarding their legal questions posted in the forums.
- State Bar of Illinois  # 6315838
- Member
- Current
- DuPage County Bar Association
- - Current
- Kane County Bar Association
- - Current
- Two Supervisions in Twelve Months: Where This Limit Is Only Sometimes True
- The DuPage County Bar Association
- Road Warriors Panel: Practicing Across Multiple Districts, N/A, Zoom
- DuPage County Bar Association
- Presentation about the challenges of practicing in multiple jurisdictions and tools lawyers can use to best be flexible when practicing in several geographic areas.
- Traffic Law: What you need to know to protect your privileges, Illinois Society of Certified Public Accountants, Zoom
- Illinois Society of Certified Public Accountants
- Presentation about how traffic court works, how points work, and what you can do to protect yourself in traffic court.
- License to practice in Northern District of Illinois
- Northern District of Illinois
- Q. How do I fight tickets in collections so that my licence can be reinstated from suspension?
- A: First, call the cities that issued the citations and ask what they can do. Let them know you are sorry and want to see what you can do to waive some of the late fees. It's a stretch but worth asking. Next, try getting on a payment plan with the collection agency. MAKE SURE YOU VERIFY THAT THE COLLECTION AGENCY YOU SPEAK WITH IS THE ONE THE CITY CONTRACTED WITH. You don't want to pay a scam. If you do enter a payment plan that allows the suspension to be lifted, make sure you can complete the plan. If you fall off, most collections agencies will refuse to give you a second chance and will want the full balance paid before they will lift the suspension. Hope that helps!
- Q. I’m 17 I got pulled over going 82/55, I have no previous tickets or warnings, I have a court date, what could happen?
- A: Hello Asker,
First, you should anticipate having a parent or guardian present with you if you won't be 18 at the time of the court date. Even if you will be, it is usually advantageous to have one anyway.
Second, it is hard to say what can be expected because by definition, 100% of the people who don't hire an attorney won't have an attorney there to witness what happens when someone goes to court without an attorney. What I can say is that there are generally three outcomes for this type of violation. One is a conviction which would drastically increase insurance rates and put you at risk of suspension if you have another moving violation. It will also give you a criminal ... Read More
- Q. If a ticket is not signed by the officer nor the violator, is the ticket valid? The police officers badge number was on.
- A: To be frank, many clerical errors are permitted on traffic citations. Short of severe deficiencies in the ticket which call into question the officer's judgment or whether they had the right person cited, it is rare for a ticket to be so defective as to warrant dismissal. This is, in my opinion, unlikely to elicit such a response.