Susan Ruth Rubright
Brach Eichler LLC
Susan has comprehesive experience in representing commercial developers and individuals in obtaining site plan, subdivision and zoning variance approvals, obtaining approvals for such clients as national pharmacy stores, retail centers, national renal dialysis providers and other medical providers, as well as apartment and multifamily developers, group homes and single family developers. She takes special pride in solving land use problems for individuals, small business owners and non-profit groups. She appears before planning and zoning boards throughout northern and central New Jersey, regularly appearing in Livingston, West Caldwell, West Orange, Florham Park, Wayne, Paterson, Newark, Flemington and Tewksbury. Susan litigates land use and zoning matters when necessary.
Susan provides legal advice to clients on affordable housing and COAH, master plan revisions, rezonings, redevelopment, storm water management, Highlands Act exemptions, code enforcement, stormwater regulations, farmland preservation, open space acquisition, Open Public Records Act (OPRA) and Right to Farm issues.
Susan currently serves as planning board attorney for Raritan Borough, Somerset County. She previously served as zoning board and/or planning board attorney for White Township, Hillsborough Township, Bloomsbury Borough Bethlehem Township. She has done real estate work for Lebanon Township, Lopatcong Township and the City of Plainfield, as well as planning and zoning work for Woodbridge Township and the City of Plainfield. Susan has served as municipal attorney for Tewksbury Township, Lebanon Borough, Bethlehem Township and Hardwick Township, and as assistant municipal attorney for the North Plainfield, East Amwell Washington Borough (Warren), and Hampton Borough, and the Town of Clinton, Franklin Township (Hunterdon), Washington Township (Warren) and Paramus Borough.
- Real Estate Law
- Land Use & Zoning
- Environmental Law
- Cannabis & Marijuana Law
- Marijuana Business Formation, Medical Marijuana
- Florida
- The Florida Bar
- ID Number: 54186
- New Jersey
- New Jersey Courts
- ID Number: 022431985
- English: Spoken, Written
- Member
- Brach Eichler LLC
- - Current
- I represent clients in: general land use, real estate and municipal matters and before planning and zoning boards throughout New Jersey. I also litigate land use and zoning matters on behalf of private and public clients.
- Assistant Counsel; Member
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- Partner
- Wolf Block LLP
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- Partner
- Gebhardt & Kiefer
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- Seton Hall University School of Law
- J.D. (1985)
- Florida State Bar  # 54186
- Member
- - Current