Christopher Kirk Steuart
Trial Attorney with Lawrence Kahn Law Group, PS
I am currently a trial attorney with the Lawrence Kahn Law Group, representing people injured through the negligence of others. Clients may have been injured through medical malpractice, automobile collision, slip and fall.
I am an author with Cengage Learning since January 2003 on the Guide to Computer Forensics and Investigations (1st Edition through 6th Edition) and E-Discovery an Introduction to Digital Evidence.
I was an attorney in private practice with the Law Office of Christopher K. Steuart, admitted to the Bar of the State of Washington, the United States District Court for the Western District of Washington, and the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit. In this practice the most notable case I was involved in was Duvall v. County of Kitsap, et al.
As vice-president and General Counsel for IT Forensics, Inc. from 2009 to 2015 I advised and assisted attorneys on formation of questions to present to examiners, reviewed declarations and affidavits of examiners prior to publication, analyzed and provided critical reviews of opposing experts' reports, assisted in preparing examiners for testimony at trials, hearings and depositions. Managed marketing and presentation opportunities for company. Also co-author with David C. Eisler on "The Digital Forensic Experts Guide to Success in Cross-Examination, IT Forensics, Inc. 2013.
From 2007 to 2013 I was an Instructor with the University of Washington
teaching in the Digital Forensics Certificate Program. My portion of the program provides and overview of the structure of court systems, laws-rules relating to acquiring, preserving and presenting evidence in court. I also conducted short direct examinations of each student over their qualifications (voir dire) and presenting their report (as testimony).
- Communications & Internet Law
- Internet Law, Media & Advertising, Telecommunications Law
- Medical Malpractice
- Birth Injury, Medical Misdiagnosis, Pharmacy Errors, Surgical Errors
- General Civil
- Free Consultation
- Washington
- 9th Circuit
- Attorney
- Lawrence Kahn Law Group, PS
- - Current
- Principally focused on serious medical malpractice.
- Iowa State University
- B.A. | Political Science and Forestry
- Honors: Pi Sigma Alpha-American Political Science Association Honorary
- Activities: Government of the Student Body, Supreme Court and All University Judiciary Committee
- Drake University
- J.D. | Law
- Computer Technology Investigators Network
- Former Board Member, Former General Counsel, Lifetime Member
- - Current
- Washington State Bar  # 24583
- Member
- - Current
- Guide to Computer Forensics and Investigations
- Cengage-Thomson
- Website
- Website
- Q. My fiance is currently incarcerated. Pandemic hit and he was given the wrong shot I need help
- A: A claim for Medical Malpractice includes: breach of the standard of care, injury, and damages. There may be no remedy for this malpractice if there was no injury (you have not stated an injury or damages). If there are damages, unless they are significant or long term, it may not be practical for an attorney to bring a suit against the potential defendant, because a medical malpractice case will often involve multiple expert witness (who may cost several thousands of dollars each to retain).
- Q. What If I work for a medical facility and find that other employees are committing malpractice and doing illegal things?
- A: Based on the limited set of facts provided in your question it is difficult to determine how serious or dangerous the situation you are describing is. This is an issue of what are your responsibility to the organization, patients, and the broader community. With knowing more, I would say the first stage is to report your observations of improper actions to a supervisor to effect corrective training. If that fails to cause action, if you believe that the organization is failing in its responsibility to the community you can report the failure to the appropriate medical board. There does not appear to be injury to you that would be a crime or negligent injury so there would not appear to be legal ... Read More
- Q. I went to have my gallbladder removed and during the procedure my liver was torn and then cauterized. anything I can do?
- A: You clearly suffered an injury. The elements of medical malpractice include violation of the standard of care. If the doctor in performing the procedure failed to perform at the recognized standard of care you may have a case. That said if you suffered a loss is a critical component of the ability to recover damages. Losses are of two kinds, 1) additional medical/hospitalization costs include future medical costs and loss of income, 2) loss of enjoyment of life, pain and suffering, side effects of additional medications or treatment required because of the error. This is an overview of damages not a complete statement of damages.
Most attorneys will look at a medical malpractice case with ... Read More